Posted by lucasdodd on

Desire to structure blog somehow

So I’m starting to see that I want some organization in my blog. I’m getting to that point in my life where I have so many directions I want to go, so many topics I want to dive into and divulge, and since the topics are different, it’s ineffective to approach them from a position of broadscanning. When I was in grad school etc., the topics I was interested in were rather universal and centralized—spirituality, creativity psychology, engineering, mystic poetry. I could be in a broad scanning state, divergently thinking, accessing feelings in many directions to accrue valuable words and filter them into a central idea. This still works for my attitudes and opinions, for my philosophy, but for various topics I want to refine, it seems that I should blaze a trail for myself. I would like to use the written form like a trail. Plowing in with intuition and working memory is alright, but I’m at a level where I’m wanting to produce and work with high-caliber scientific research. I know I’m just a freelance scholar, so I don’t have as many resources at my disposal, but what I do have is freedom and enthusiasm. I can study the topics I want to. Reflection can be through reading and writing and filing.