Hello there internet traveler, my name is Lucas Dodd, if you couldn’t already tell. I am the author of this website.

FromUpOnFrederickStone.com is an exploratory space for me and for you. I’m also a blogger on Medium.com, where I present more presentable things. If you come here with an eye of scornful performativity, I would kindly ask you to leave, lest I toss you out on the doormat. To read my works requires that you help me communicate with you, as I am rather weak when it comes to getting you to understand me as you would expect. If you are willing to collaborate with me and develop your own understanding of me and my thoughts, as well as you and your thoughts, you will find me hospitable and compassionate, and we will celebrate and cherish something special. But, if you would rather keep your eyes shut, your ears closed, your hands clamped tight, and see me and my difference as an enemy, you will find yourself sorely disappointed in many ways. You need not be perfect to enter my digital presence, but you should be aware that I will not allow you to feel comfortable and in control. So, I admonish you to consider yourself welcome as a friend, honored guest, and coworker in a common pursuit of understanding, not an entitled consumer.

My Medium page is available here: https://medium.com/@lucasdodd.
If you would like to sponsor me, you may find me on Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/lucasdodd.

Thank you for joining me in this knowledge-vision quest.

–Lucas Dodd